How To Spot Pre-Cavities

Cavities and tooth decay affect nearly 100% of the adult population of the world. It is caused by an imbalance between the bacteria that live in the mouth and the immune reactions that control them, which leads to a proliferation of bacteria, which then produces acidic byproducts that erodes tooth enamel. This process takes a while, and there are signs that make it easy to detect tooth decay early on.

At risk teeth

Depending on the size and shape of your teeth, head and jawbones, you will have teeth that are more likely to fall victim to decay. Teeth that often have food stuck between them and molars in particular are more at risk than canines, but, sadly enough, all teeth are subject to cavitation.

Check the teeth that you often have to remove food from. If they show signs of discoloration or of a dent in the enamel, you should seek the help of a dentist before the cavity forms, spearing yourself pain and money.


Demineralized zones

Teeth that are undergoing erosion leech fluoride and calcium from the enamel, and the areas that are going to become cavities first appear as white blotches on the teeth. These become darker over time until the enamel caves in, and the sensitive dentine is exposed, causing toothache. These white spots occur frequently during orthodontic treatment, and when eating a low fluoride and calcium diet, or when eating too much sugary or vinegary foods.

Even if you cannot see these demineralized zones, you can always feel them with your tongue. If certain ends or nooks in your teeth feel rougher and thinner than the rest of the teeth, then you are dealing with a demineralized zone. Sometimes you may feel that a tooth is sensitive and cannot tell why, and there may not be any cavity present at all. These teeth usually also have a surface where the enamel is thinner, exposing the dentine.


If you frequently encounter white spots or rough patches on your tooth enamel, there are several things you can do to prevent them from becoming cavities. You can start eating more fluoride and calcium, and less carbohydrates.Make sure that you rinse after eating a meal, thereby regulating the pH in your oral cavity. There are also fluoride pastes, foams, gels and ointments that can be administered topically. Just put some of the desired high fluoride product on the offending area after you brush your teeth, and leave the material on overnight.

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