4 Natural remedies for bleeding gums and sensitive teeth

Bleeding gums can be a symptom of a serious illness. If you are experiencing this symptom, you should act immediately!

Two frequently occurring diseases that cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums and sensitivity are periodontitis and dentitis. The cause of these unpleasant illnesses are the bacteria that live in your mouth, and cause plaque and tartar formations that settle on your teeth and gums.
If untreated, the plaque can become tartar which can settle between your teeth and gums. These crevices can also have tiny food particles stuck in them, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. This condition can get severe, and turn into periodontitis, which will eventually continue to infect the jawbone.

Symptoms of periodontitis:

- Bleeding gums after brushing your teeth
- Red, inflamed, swollen gums
- Toothache, sensitivity to hot cold, or sweet foods and drinks
- Chronic halitosis or unpleasant taste in mouth
- Loose teeth, possibly tooth loss


What causes it?

Periodontitis is almost always caused by poor oral hygiene, negligence in brushing your teeth, using floss, or mouthwash. Foods that are high in sugar but low in C vitamins and other essential vitamins and minerals are also one of the main culprits, and a diet high in these sort of foods will eventually lead to periodontal disease, as well as smoking. Certain drugs also dry out the mucus membranes, and these can accelerate the growth and severity of periodontal disease, as spit is used by the body to lubricate and wash the food particles off of the teeth, thereby keeping them clean.

Genetic inheritance also plays a factor in developing periodontitis, and it can make you more likely to be susceptible to this disease. Pregnant women also have a higher risk of contracting periodontal diseases, and certain illnesses like diabetes also increase your likelihood of contracting this disease. 

Natural home remedies

Apart from seeing a medical professional, which you should definitely do, there are several things you can do at home to fight the symptoms you are experiencing. There are vitamins and dietary supplements that you can take that can help alleviate the symptoms you may be experiencing. Your condition should improve in 2 weeks time, but if you are prone to bleeding gums, you should take vitamins as a precautionary measure all the time. C vitamins, flavonoids, and the Q-10 coenzyme are great antioxidants: they protect the gums, and help with repair of damaged gums. They also help strengthen the immune system, which is good not only for your teeth, but for your fight against bacteria in general. Research into Q-10 coenzymes have proven that they are useful in preventing the accumulation of tartar around the teeth, thus reducing the size of the pockets of plaque and tartar that form in the mouth. This is useful as it creates a more stable environment in the mouth, and also the healing time after an oral surgical procedure is much faster this way. Research has also indicated that C vitamins and flavonoids taken in conjunction are the most effective, as they together can strengthen the gum tissue and thus reduce inflammation.  

Did you know?

The fluoridation of drinking water reduces chances of tooth loss. Fluoride strengthens the enamel of a tooth which can help prevent tooth decay by up to 50-70%.
Soothing and Healing properties
There are topical products that can be used to treat periodontitis and bleeding gums which are all natural. For instance, if you take an E vitamin capsule, break it open and apply it’s contents to the inflamed tissue topically every two days, you should immediately see results. Every other day you should use folic acid, by putting it on a q-tip and spreading it on your gums, and using a soft toothbrush, spread some C vitamin powder over your gums. These procedures should be done twice a day, after you have brushed your teeth.

What else can you do?

Use floss at least once a day, and use a soft toothbrush to brush at least twice a day. It is important to apply the right technique when you brush, too. It is also vital that you clean your tongue as well, as bacteria that cause tooth decay also live on the human tongue. Do not rush when applying oral hygiene, you should dedicate at least 5 full minutes to brushing your teeth. You should not eat sugary foods either, but if you simply cannot live without them, make sure you brush your teeth after you eat them.


source&images: http://www.femina.hu/egeszseg/4_termeszetes_gyogymod_verzo_iny_erzekeny_fogak_ellen



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