
Root scaling and root planning are procedures that have to do with the cleaning of the roots of teeth. This is done by scraping the plaque and calculus off with an implement known as a scaler. Scalers come in many different forms. The most common scaler is known as hand scalers, a bent pieces of metal that has been fabricated to be appropriate for the removal or scraping of plaque. Some scalers use water as well, in these cases the implement includes a water spritzer.There are also some scalers that are ultrasonic, and instead of water or just regular pressure they resonate at a frequency that breaks up plaque and other etiologic materials thus allowing the scaler to remove them more efficiently. Some of these ultrasonic scalers also produce a stream of water, to better clean the patient’s mouth. While most of the scaling is done on the visible surface of the teeth (and the back of the teeth, where most of the plaque and calculus resides), an important part of scaling is done below the gums, in what is known as the subgingival or periodontal level. This is the level of the soft alveolar tissue and gums. This means that to clean the roots of your teeth, we need to stick the scaler into your gum, and below it. Although this procedure is a bit uncomfortable, it does not usually incur a lot of pain, except of course, if the gums are inflamed or diseased. We would like to remind you that this is a necessary part of oral hygiene, and needs to be done from time to time. As conventional, at home oral hygiene methods do not affect the roots of the teeth, not even flossing does, this procedure is indispensable if we want to avoid caries and cavities below the subgingival level, and this is the best way to prevent costly and painful root canals.

This procedure is part of our oral hygiene sessions, and is considered a part of regular conservative dentistry. We offer this treatment at our Hungarian dentistry in London, as well as in Budapest. Root planning can be considered to be a non-surgical periodontal therapy, and is considered the most basic way to treat the periodontium. This treatment is a very important part of periodontal treatment, and is absolutely indispensable for those patients that are undergoing endodontic (root canal) and periodontal care. It is also a widespread prophylactic method for the prevention of tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease and inflammation, and is thus an important part of check ups and preventive care as well. This treatment can be beneficial to all of our patients, regardless of what dental treatment they are undergoing.  


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